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Using the OMG UML Profile for OWL with Twouse
How to create an OWL ontology using the OMG UML Profile for OWL with the TwoUse Toolkit
OWL, UML, Ecore, SPARQL: TwoUse Examples
Transforming Ecore Models and Metamodels into OWL using the OWLizer
Creating SWRL Rules using the UML Profile for SWRL and the TwoUse Toolkit
Improving Software Design Patterns with OWL, Description Logics and SPARQL - Demo
A TwoUse Story
Browsing the NIF Standard ontology using Protege
INFX532 OWL Project
TwoUse OWL Funcional Syntax Textual Editor
Formal Verification of the Application Conceptual Models Using UML and Ontology OWL
Validating Refinements of BPMN Diagrams with OWL and the TwoUse Toolkit